
  • 作者:人事处
  • 来源:人事处
  • 时间:2021-04-26

姓名: 王晓萍
职称: 教授
电子邮箱: wxp31415@163.com
办公室: 2号办公楼-201

主持国家自科基金面上项目1项,湖南省自科基金1项,湖南省教育厅重点项目2项,湖南省科技计划项目1项,全国教育科学“十一五”规划教育部重点项目1项,湖南省教育科学“十一五”规划重点项目1项,湖南省教育厅教改项目2项,发表学术论文50余篇,其中SCI收录17篇,“EI”收录5篇,“ISTP”收录5篇, CSSCI收录11篇,出版专著1本。

主讲本科生课程:《数学分析》、《常微分方程 》、《实变函数》、《高等数学》

(1) 2015.01-2018.12  Hamilton系统基态解的存在性及稳定性,国家自然科学基金资助项目(NO:11471278),60万元,主持
(2) 2013.01-2015.12 分数阶微分方程解的稳定性分析,湖南省教育厅重点项目(NO:13A093),8万元,主持
(3) 2013.01-2015.12 分数阶微分方程解的若干基础理论研究 湖南省自然科学基金资助项目 (NO:14JJ2133),3万元,主持
(4) 2011.01-2012.12 分数阶微分方程的稳定性研究,湖南省科技厅计划项目(NO:2011FJ3013),2万元,主持(结题)
(5) 2009.01-2011.01 Cohen-Grossberg神经网络模型的动力性态研究,湖南省自然科学基金资助项目 (NO:09JJ3005),3万元,主持(结题)
(6) 2007.01-2009.12 复杂神经网络的动力学行为研究,湖南省教育厅重点项目(NO:07A066),9万元,主持(结题)
(7) 2002.02-2005.12 差分方程3/2稳定性,湖南省教育厅科研项目 (NO:02C096),1万元,主持(结题)         

2013.06 中国高等教育学会第八次优秀高等教育科学研究成果奖 国家级三等奖
2012.01 湖南省自然科学奖 省级三等奖
2014.01 湖南省高等教育省级教学成果奖 省级一等奖
2003.09 湖南省高等教育省级教学成果奖 省级二等奖
2006.11 湖南省高等教育省级教学成果奖 省级三等奖

(1)Xiaoping Wang, Local super-quadratic conditions on homoclinic solutions for a second-order Hamiltonian System. Applied Mathematics Letters,2017:S0893965917302112(SCI)
(2)Xiaoping Wang, Infinitely many homoclinic solutions for a second-order Hamiltonian system with locally defined potentials, Chaos Solitons Fractals,2016,87:47-50(SCI)
(3) Xiaoping Wang, Homoclinic orbits for asymptotically linear discrete Hamiltonian systems Advances in Difference Equations 2015,2015:52(SCI)
(4) Xiaoping Wang, New potential condition on homoclinic orbits for a class of discrete Hamiltonian systems,Wang Advances in Difference Equations 2014,2014:73(SCI)
(5) Xiaoping Wang, Nonexistence of Homoclinic Solutions for a Class of Discrete Hamiltonian Systems,Abstract and Applied Analysis,Volume 2013, Article ID 398681, 6 pages(SCI)
(6) Xiaoping Wang, Lyapunov type inequalities for second-order half-linear differential equations,Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications,2011(382):792-801(SCI)
(7) Xiaoping Wang, Stability and existence of periodic solutions for a time-varying fishing model with delay, Nonlinear Analysis(RWA)2009.11.023. doi:10.1016/j.nonrwa. (SCI)
(8) Xiaoping Wang, Stability criteria for linear periodic Hamiltonian systems, Journal of  Mathematical Analysis and  Applications,2010.01.027 doi:10.1016/j.jmaa.2010. (SCI)
(9) Xiaoping Wang, Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions for Neural Difference Equations, Computer and Mathematics with Applications, 2006. 52(1):1595-1602. (SCI)
(10) Xiaoping Wang, Liusheng Liao, On the asymptotic behavior of solution of nonlinear difference-differential equation, Applied Mathematics Letters 2005.18:267-272. (SCI)
(11) Xiaoping Wang, Jianguo Sun, Necessary and sufficient conditions for oscillation of higher order nonlinear neutral delay differential equations, Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems , 2010.17(4):319-329.
(12) Xiaoping Wang, Lihong Huang, Oscillation for an Odd-Order Delay Difference Equation with Several Delays, International Journal of Theory of Differential Equations and Applications Vol.2, No.1(2008) pp.15-23.
(13) Xiaoping Wang, Oscillation for higher order super linear delay differential equations with unstable type, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications,2004, 289:  379-386. (SCI)
(14)Xiaoping Wang, Liusheng Liao, Asymptotic behavior of solutions of delaylogistic differential equation with negative Instantaneously terms, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2004, 53: 69-74. (SCI)
(15) Xiaoping Wang, Liusheng Liao, Oscillation for even-order delay difference equations with unstable type, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2004, 153: 289- 299. (SCI)
(16) Xiaoping Wang, Oscillation for higher order nonlinear delay differential equations, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2004, 157: 287-294. (SCI)
(17) Xiaoping Wang, The Asymptotic Behavior of a Nonlinear Difference- Differential Equation, Applied Mathematics Letters, 2004:1-6. (SCI)
(18) Xiaoping Wang, Asymptotic behavior of solution of neutral differential equation with positive and negative coefficients, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2003, 279: 326-338. (SCI)
(19) Xiaoping Wang, Oscillation of delay difference equations with several delays, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2003, 286:664-674. (SCI)
(20) Xiaoping Wang, Asymptotic behavior of solution of linear difference differential equations with oscillating coefficients,Fields Institute communications, 43(2004),347-353(ISTP检索)
(21) 王晓萍, 廖六生, 广义Logistic型泛函微分方程零解的全局吸引性, 应用数学学报,2004.27(1):172-179.
(22) 王晓萍, 曹石珠,李晓明, 地方高校发展性教师教学绩效考核的探索与实践,          现代大学教育, 2006, 4(100): 54-57.
(23) 王晓萍, 肖武云, 人本主义心理学教学观指导下的课堂教学改革探讨,大学教育科学,2009, 5(117): 29-33.
(24) 骆洪才, 王晓萍,沈亚军, 数学观的层面分析,数学教育学报,                  2004.13(3):26-28.
(25) 王晓萍, 肖武云, 转变教学理念,提高课堂教学实效,高校教育研究, 2009,          11: 29-30.
(26) 陈家玉,王晓萍, 李晓明, 地方新建本科院校专业发展规划管理探讨,当代教育论坛,2008,14(2): 18-19.
(27) 王晓萍, 高校教师绩效评价研究现状及其原因分析, 扬州大学学报, 2010年第4期
(28) 王晓萍,应用型人才职能结构与地方高校教师教学质量的评价,求索,2015年第7期
(29) 肖武云,王晓萍,曹群英, 元认知策略培训提高学生学习自主性和学习成绩的实证研究,外语教学,2010年第6期
(30) 何基生,王晓萍, 曹石珠, 地方高校教师工作绩效评价的基本特征及实施原则, 湖南科技学院学报, 2010